Monday, September 1, 2008




喔,我们就在 “咖啡明” Coffee Bean 享用午餐!咯咯咯。。。自己叫了一盘Chicken Lasagna 和一杯 White Chocolate Dream Latte,好吃。。。感觉很不错。不过,内心还是有罪恶感的。因为最近的我,体重直飙,身材也超明显地走样了,肚子仿佛有四个月大。唉!比起中学时代那个瘦骨如柴的我,现在简直是判若两人。。。悲哀。。。也不知道为什么,有可能是工作上自己给自己压力吧,最近就是一直一直地在吃。(有人说过,压力大,食量也会跟着大)偶尔还会找些理由来让自己放纵一下,吃好吃的来善待自己,买喜欢的东西,好让自己开心!也就因为这样,钱花得更多了。。。所以单单昨天就花了几百块,因为过后还去了一家自己挺喜欢的一个牌子的店,买了两件衣服。。。哈哈。。。


是的,刚才又去吃了一顿“丰富”的晚餐。。。唉,要怪就怪我老妈子好了。。。说要减肥嘛,不过她就提议要吃西餐!呵呵。。。当然,有美食在眼前,我是不会反对的啦,所以我也举手赞成啰!老爸当然也没意见。。。最后我们决定去 Roadhouse Grill。。。简单介绍一下,这家西餐厅是坐落在 Gurney Tower 旁边,餐厅的门前站着一个 Cowboy。。。本人是觉得这家西餐厅的气氛不错,食物也蛮好吃。。。还有。我最爱吃这家的面包。。。它好像是叫 Yeast roll 。。。把牛油擦上去,更是好吃!这也是我喜欢这家餐厅的原因。。。还有,服侍员都会拿一桶的花生给顾客享用,边吃花生边等食物,而且花生壳是可以随地乱丢的喔。。。所以都可以看到整家餐厅的地上都会有花生壳!

你们看吧。。。我又让自己放纵了。。。自己点了 Black Pepper Chicken 和一杯叫 Pink Lady 的 mocktail。当我的 Pink Lady 来的时候,还真是被吓倒了。。。超大杯的!!!不过我还是把它喝完。。。挺好喝的。。。


用手机把它给拍了下来。。。My Pink Lady。。。大杯吧!!! 和 Ice Lemon Tea 比起来,简直是小巫见大巫!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

My first 处女代表作

This time i'm writing my blog in English, and guess what...i'm going to share something with you guys.

Last Monday, me and my colleagues went to TAO @ E-Gate to have a birthday celebration with Yaa Lay. Indeed, that was my first time to this restaurant. No disappointment, they really serve good food, and by paying that amount of money, it's kinda reasonable i would say. I think i'm a big eater that evening. Oh ya, i also heard that the TAO @ Autocity is damn good, nicer atmosphere. Hope that i will have the chance to try out the Autocity's one...

I was the "so called" photographer for that night (this is what KOKahKOK described in his blog). There's a reason behind why he said so. This is because i was carrying his "dear", his Canon's DSLR camera for the whole night, busy taking pictures. I felt pity for my colleagues, all of them have to be my models...BUT...sigh...most of the photos turn out to be very blur!!! Not nice!!! Some of the comments given by that "expert" are wrongly were taken with "shaking" hands etc...BUT again, what you expect wor...a new beginner like me...first time using this DSLR camera...never ever touched this before in my life wor...!~!~!~! Consider not bad liao OK??? (Hahaha...start to use Manglish liao)

Anyway, sorry to all my lovely colleagues & Lay's boyfriend for not taking nice snapshots on you guys...i'm sure you guys won't blame me on this right? We still had a great fun throughout the whole night!!!

So, it's time for me to show some of my 处女代表作...which i think they are quite OK:

KOKahKOK & Jun Wei

KOKahKOK - the PORfessional blogger and the DSLR camera's owner

Lay, the birthday gal and her beloved

KOKahKOK, Jun Wei & Lay

What do you all think on the photos which i took? I know there's room for improvement in my photo shooting skills. I'm not so sure whether am i addicted into photography right now, but i will figure it out...and hope to get myself a DSLR in the future if i'm really into it & attend photography course??? In the meantime, i will still continue using KOKahKOK's camera in our upcoming birthday celebrations/functions/gatherings and will share with you all again IF he is WILLING to lend his "dear" to me~~~


最近好像有一股超强的风吹到了我们的后巷 (Lorong Belakang)。。。

怎么说呢?我们这一些年近30的小姐女士们竟玩起了FACEBOOK和BLOGGING这些玩意儿!!!有趣吧!!!感觉上还蛮跟得上年轻人的步伐呢。。。FACEBOOK每个人都去sign-up了,后来我和Sharon也先后有了自己的部落格(老早就有自己的部落格的Ah Sheng, Ah Lay & Vivian就不提啦)。。。那么,接下来的就只剩下那几个咯。。。你们也应该一起来凑热闹吧!没东西写,就写写一些孩子的成长过程吧。。。咯咯咯咯。。。



Thursday, August 14, 2008



一直以来,就想有一个这么样的东东,可以让我写写最近的心情呀,生活的点点滴滴呀,和一些有的没的。。。不过,就因为一个“懒”字, 就拖到现在啦。。。



